The Physics & Poetry of Ayurveda, Awareness, and I

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The Physics & Poetry of Ayurveda, Awareness, and Illusion

by Judyth Shamosh



Cosmologists believe that our universe came into being about 13.8 billion years ago from a tiny, dense state to a sudden expansion call The Big Bang theory. Technically, The Big Bang theory does not describe an explosive origin of the universe, but how it has continued to evolve in an expansive motion. It is the beginning of our time and space. According to astrophysicists, the universe is still expanding as evidenced by our ability to measure light, called redshift, received from distant galaxies. Some physicists believe that our universe will continue to expand, and some believe that at some point it will begin to contract and then expand again. Physicists are unable to confirm or disprove any of these theories yet. This constant expansion and contraction, as if the cosmos were alive with bestowed breath of life, known as prana, if very similar to Hindu mysticism on which Ayurveda is based. Modern physics is now proving the validity of some of the mystical theories of Eastern philosophy on the nature of the universe.

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