Ayurvedic Cooking - Pitta Dietary Guidelines by Ed

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Ayurvedic Cooking

Pitta Dietary Guidelines

by Ed Zaldo D.Ay.


Pitta Treatment: Pitta reducing therapies should be cooling, calming, mildly cleansing and nurturing. They should be implemented with an attitude of peace, moderation and restraint. Constancy rather than forcefulness should be emphasized.

Pitta Diet: Pitta requires a more neutral, bland and Sattvic diet. A balance between strengthening and reducing, with mainly bitter and astringent tastes along with adequate amounts of raw food and juices is best. However, if the client is debilitated, then cooked food are best. In general, foods should be cool, heavy and dry, even in taste without excessive spices. A client with Pitta imbalance should avoid stimulating, hot beverages, coffee and alcohol should be avoided but tea is fine to use. Spice teas should be avoided but mild astringent teas like alfalfa, burdock, chicory, dandelion root or red raspberry are recommended. Water should be taken cool.

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