Vikrti Vijnana: A traditional exposition of pathol

Type: Article
Price: $5.00


Vikrti Vijnana: A traditional exposition of pathology in Suddha Ayurveda

by Kj. Nimai Nitai Das


After submitting a number of discursive articles for Light on Ayurveda Journal, the author desires to introduce the esteemed readers to the traditional pedagogical methodology of the Bhagavata lineage of Suddha Ayurveda.

The following sutras constitute an exploration of the doctrine of pathology (vikrti vijnana) in Suddha Ayurveda. Sutras (aphorisms) and concise statements that elucidate complex subject matters. Because they often require extensive commentary to facilitate understanding, aphoristic texts have fallen in to disuse in the West, particularly in scientific exposition.

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