Herbs for Kapha by Pat Loomis

Type: Article
Price: $5.00


Herbs for Kapha 

by Pat Loomis


Winter with its cold, dark damp days and long nights is a manifestation of Kapha in nature. The Kapha season extends from late winter to spring when the accumulated moisture manifests. Kapha brings life-building moisture to the roots of plants and all beings, filling the dry places, swelling the seeds allowing the potential for life for another season in the on-going cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. So too our bodies feel the increase in Kapha. Kapha is responsible for the fluids in our bodies, lubrication in joints, and the moistening of mucus membranes and provides us with the emotions and patience, peace, love, forgiveness, stability, and groundedness. Kapha governs anabolism or the building up of tissues (dhatus), growth in children, and the bulking up of our tissues. Kapha brings deep sleep and contentment, endurance and energy. 

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