Jyotish and Ayurveda: A Paradigm for Medical Astro

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Jyotish and Ayurveda: A Paradigm for Medical Astrology

by Brendan Feeley, M.A., N.D.


Philosophy of Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the "knowledge of longevity", is the oldest and the most comprehensive healing system in the world, rooted in teh philosophy of the ancient Vedas. Ayurveda relies on the Shad Darshan (six systems of Indian Philosophy) for its founding principles, particularly the Sankhya Philosophy of creation and evolution. Darshan is more than a philosophy, it is a system of knowing based on perception and inner vision. The enlightened rishis were able to discover the truth of life through the purity of their hearts and their exalted sense of awareness. This knowledge was cognized in the state of deep meditation, and passed down to us in the form of sutras, threads of truth that awaken the latent knowledge of life hidden in our unconscious. Constant reflection and meditation on these sutras can begin to awaken the knowledge inside us.

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