Tisraisaniya: Ayurveda’s Three Healthy Pursuits of

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Tisraisaniya: Ayurveda’s Three Healthy Pursuits of Life - Narayana (Anthony) Biduck


"The three gates of hell that destroy the self are lust, anger, and greed; one must relinquish all three. Released through these three gates of darkness…a man elevates the self and ascends to the highest way." Kṛṣṇa  

The quote above is stated by Kṛṣṇa to his student, disciple, and friend Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gītā. It appears in a chapter entitled “Two Paths”, which represents two forces living in each human being: a divine force, which will lead us to increasing happiness, health, success, balance, and eventually liberation, and a demonic force, which is the cause of suffering and enslavement in both the individual and the world. The demonic forces include afflictive emotions like hypocrisy, arrogance, conceit, anger, cruelty, greed, and lust—all of which must be avoided. M. K. Gandhi said in his commentary on this quote, “One who keeps himself free from these does not devote himself to the pursuit of worldly happiness but follows the path of spiritual welfare.” Though these forces exist in each of us, Kṛṣṇa assures Arjuna, who is symbolic of all human beings, he was “born with divine attributes.”


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