Marma Chikitsa, A Gem Among Ayurvedic Therapies -

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Marma Chikitsa, A Gem Among Ayurvedic Therapies - -Aniusha Durve

Marma cikitsa is a gem among the vast range of Ayurvedic therapies that aim to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. It is much more than simple acupressure; it is a profound science of stimulating vital energy points to balance the flow and regulation of prana, the body’s intelligence. Marma is the singular form and marmani the plural form. Marma is defined as a vulnerable area or a secretive, hidden, or delicate point. These points are secretive or hidden because they require an exploration of our inner consciousness to tap into their full potential and unlock their power. It is at these areas of vulnerability that the nervous system can be regulated, pranic flow can be tapped into, and healing at its deepest level can begin. Likewise, dosa means fault or seam and serves to identify our vulnerabilities and weaknesses where we are the most prone to imbalance. It is at the times we are the most vulnerable, that we can uncover our greatest strength. In the same way, marma cikitsa (treatment) provides an amazing opportunity for healing at these vital centers of energy.



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