Jyoti on Dr. Prakash Mangalasseri – Anusha Sehgal

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Jyoti on Dr. Prakash Mangalasseri – Anusha Sehgal


The compendium of Āyurveda has been disseminated through its pedagogical scholars and clinicians over centuries. In earlier times, the knowledge system was orated to the next generation of practitioners. Those who were perceptive, scholarly as well as efficient practitioners of this knowledge system were inspirational in the advancement of Āyurveda. One such stalwart was the late Dr. Prakash Mangalasseri. Dr. Prakash Mangalasseri was born on May 25th, 1974 in Ullyeri, a small village of the Cali-cut district in northern Kerala, India. He was an enthusiastic learner who imbibed various types of knowledge for fun always seeking a new challenge. This led Dr. Prakash to pursue a bachelor’s of Āyurvedic medicine and surgery (BAMS) at VPSV Āyurveda college, Kottakkal. As he cultivated a stable base of knowledge, he also intuitively searched for the underlying meanings within Āyurvedic literature. He thrived as a student attaining gold medals each year for his scholarly excellence.

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