Jyoti on Dr. P Ram Manohar - Diana Lurie

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Jyoti on Dr. P Ram Manohar - Diana Lurie


DIL: Please describe for us your background and what led you to become an Ayurvedic doctor.

PRM: In my young days, I wanted to become a medical doctor. I had no knowledge or awareness about Ayurveda in those days. Ayurveda was not even an option to consider. When I completed matriculation, I
opted for Science Group with Biology in the Pre University Course with the hope of entering a medical school. My whole world turned upside down when my father proposed to me suddenly that I should join the Ayurveda College in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, in South India, which was offering a new 7 and a half year course based on the Gurukula system. This meant that I would enter the Ayurveda course directly after
matriculation without completing the twoyear Pre-University Course that was mandatory to enter the medical school. The seven...(cont)

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